Friday, September 13, 2013

Montreal, Quebec

Greetings from Vieux Montreal...about two months after the fact.
Well, I think I look good, considering the heat and humidity from that day.

Since I waited so long to make this post, I lost the exuberance I had during this visit. Even so, I know that Montreal is one of my favorite places to visit. There's a feel to the city that just captivates me, and I can't quite explain why. It's almost as if the place has a life of it's own: a soul that slumbers beneath the streets, its breath rising and falling to encompass the ground and air above, making me feel as if I've somehow been welcomed in, and please help myself to anything I find in the kitchen.

I found poutine. It was yummy. The curds were squeaky, which I mention only because a former co-worker from Quebec City would reminisce about the poutine from "home," how it tasted better in her province, and the curds squeaked.

Classic poutine.

Bug was not impressed, which just meant more for me.
In spite of the oppressive heat, we wandered around. It was pretty. Did I mention I can't wait to go back?

Oh, rats. This picture didn't turn out like I'd hoped. See that splash
on the lower right hand side? That was one of the birds trying to
cool off because it was so dang hot.
It's not a throat hug, but who wouldn't want a hug from a creepy looking doll?
There were a lot of buildings with the provincial flag.
"And this is why I told you not to touch that! Now
your hands are filthy!"

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